Our Legacy Fund - Columbia Heights Educational Campus

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A Legacy for the District's Youth

It is 2015 and CHEC' nonprofit, MCIP is celebrating 36 years of changing young lives in relationship-based educational programs. Community support has made it possible for CHEC/MCIP to give struggling students the tools to thrive.

Have you ever considered what your legacy will be? Would you like to make a lasting impact that reflects your values?

By naming CHEC in your estate plan, you can create a lasting legacy. Your bequest or other legacy gift will help us to ensure that CHEC is equipped to continue its rich tradition of youth advocacy, education and empoyerment into the future.

Bequests and Other Planned Gifts Make a Difference!

There are many ways for you to create a legacy for the future of CHEC students:

  • It is easy to set up a bequest in your will or living trust. If you already have a will or living trust, you can ask your attorney to add a codicil. You can name CHEC/MCIP as a beneficiary for a percentage, set dollar amount, or even as a contingent beneficiary. Please contact our Development Office at 202.939.7703 for suggested wording.

  • There are several methods to benefit CHEC/MCIP using life insurance. You can name CHEC/MCIP as a beneficiary or contingent beneficiary, or you can receive an income tax deduction by donating an existing policy you no longer need.

You can even set up a trust such as a Charitable Remainder Trust that will provide you with tax benefits as well as regular fixed or variable income, and will eventually benefit CHEC/MCIP. There are many types of trusts, some quite complicated. For more information about charitable trusts, please consult an estate-planning attorney or your tax advisor.

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