ASSESSMENT - Columbia Heights Educational Campus

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Assessment provides students, parents and teachers with important information on where a student is progressing, and where he or she needs to focus more. At CHEC we use different kinds of assessments, formal and informal, to help guide students learning. We expect students to become familiar with the different assessments, and to keep an updated assessment passport order to track their progress and improve upon it.

RUBRICS - are designed by teachers and provide a clear, objective understanding of what is required to meet any given standard. Rubrics are descriptions of what is required to meet the standard when completing an assignment. Students must use rubrics to help them improve their work. At CHEC we have a culture of revision, so that all students get used to reviewing and revising their work. Work not meeting or exceeding the standards is returned to the student with commentary so that the student can revise the work to meet the standards.

PORTFOLIOS -  are a  collection of students' work which demonstrates that they have met the Standards in that class. This collection includes the students' comments and analysis of why they feel this work demonstrates that they know the subject matter. The benefits of using portfolios for students include the opportunity for revision- whereby the students correct their work and deepen their understanding of the content. Students also benefit from the experience they gain in organizing and presenting their work and the pride they take in reviewing their own growth and accomplishments from each course. All CHEC students are required to complete and present their portfolios at the end of the semester/year in all grades and all subject areas. This is a promotion requirement in grades 6 through 11, and a graduation requirement in grade 12.

STANDARDIZED TESTING - All students (grades 6-10) in the District of Columbia Public Schools must take a standardized test every spring. This test measures basic skills in reading and math. While it is not the only way to tell how well a student is doing in school, it is an important measure of progress. The PARCC (Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers) assessment has five performance levels: Level 1 indicates an area of greatest need and Level 5 indicates the strongest performance. This information is used to personalize instruction for students.

ASSESSMENT OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNERS - In order to assess how well English Language Learners are progressing, all students with a language other than English in the home, who have not yet achieved English language proficiency, must take the ACCESS for ELLs test every spring. This test is used to determine if students are ready to exit the ESL program.

PRELIMINARY SCHOLASTIST APTITUDE TEST (PSAT) - This is a standardized test that provides feedback on how ready a student is for college level work.  It prepares students to take the SAT.  The PSAT is usually taken in the Fall and all ninth, tenth and eleventh graders must take the test.  Selected eighth grade students also take the test.  Students who score high on the PSAT are eligible for the National Merit Scholarship Program.

SCHOLASTIC APTITUDE TEST (SAT) - The SAT is required by most colleges and universities, and is used as criteria to determine both admission and merit scholarships.  Students must take the SAT in the spring of their Junior Year, and the fall of their Senior Year.  It is important for students to prepare for the SAT both in school, as well as outside of school.  Students should purchase their own SAT preparation book, in order to improve their scores by studying and preparing outside of school hours.

ADVANCED PLACEMENT (AP) - The Advanced Placement (AP) program is a curriculum sponsored by the College Board which offers standardized courses to high school students that are generally recognized to be equivalent to undergraduate courses in college. Participating colleges grant credit to students who obtained high enough scores on the exams to qualify.
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